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sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

El Dr. John Virapen trabajó más de 30 años en la industria farmacéutica

El Dr. John Virapen trabajó más de 30 años en la industria farmacéutica. En Suecia se desempeñó como gerente general de Eli Lilly & Company en suecia y estuvo involucrado en el lanzamiento al mercado de varios medicamentos con efectos secundarios masivos. John Virapen ha escrito su primer libro sobre su actividad como gestor en la industria farmacéutica en 2006 bajo el seudónimo de "John Rengen", el libro "Rubio Talks -- A story from a Pharma-Insider". A principios de 2008 su nuevo libro " Side Effects: Death ,fue publicado y es actualmente un best-seller en Europa. John Virapen expresa que está arrepentido y ahora se dedica a exponer y crear conciencia sobre cómo la industria farmacéutica está operando con su propio interés como objetivo primordial.

Video: Conferencia del Dr. John Virapen (5 partes)


Para los que saben ingles y/o alemán, el Dr. John Virapen ha escrito un libro sobre titulado "Nebenwirkung: Tod" (Side Effects: death).



Pharma Marketing Talk

John Virapen is now retired, after working more than 30 years in the pharma industry internationally. He haas worked at the executive level for some major companies such as Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk. His career started in Sweden where he was Managing Director for Eli Lilly Sweden AB. Virapen now lives in Germany.

Last year Virapen published a fictional novel (written in German) about corruption in the pharma industry, which created some debate. He was urged by the public to tell the true story and has now written a book of memoirs primarily outlining the criminal activities he was involved in during his active years.

The Big Fish here is Eli Lilly. A few months ago Virapen was invited by Andy Vickery, a prominent US attorney, as a fact witness in an ongoing case regarding Prozac. Virapen claims to have "damning evidence" exposing Eli Lilly bribing the regulatory board in Sweden to attain marketing approval for Prozac.

In this podcast, Virapen will reveal some of the details of this ongoing expose that few in the US are aware of.

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